Sunday, August 19, 2012

.....And Away We Go!!

Well my friends.  Here we go.  My first post! 

I LOVE to cook and bake.  When I'm not performing the ever so glamorous duties of a full time claims adjuster you can find me in the kitchen.  Through my blog I plan to share with you my Adventures in the Kitchen.  I'll share my trials and tribulations as I try out new recipes while baking and cooking.  I'll also try to post photos as we go along as well.

Tonight...has been a night.  By tonight I mean last night and this morning.  It's 2:57 a.m. as I type this post.  This weekend is dedicated to canning.  This is the fourth year that my husband and I have canned.  We tried pickling all types of veggies.  We've made jellies and jams.  My favorite thing however, is sauce.  We've tried several..some have worked well...some not so well.  We finally discovered and continue to make two sauces.  Tomato basil simmer sauce (TBSS) and roasted pepper and garlic sauce (RPGS).  Both are amazing.  The TBSS is a great basic marinara.  We've used it for chicken parm and simple pasta dishes.  The RPGS is a much bolder sauce.  LOTS of garlic and sweet bell peppers.

Back to tonight.  It is now 3:22 a.m. and my husband and I are watching "Bridesmaids" with the hopes that it will keep us awake while we are waiting for our sauce to process.  Due to many things beyond our control we did not start our canning process until after 5 this evening.  After hours of washing, blanching, peeling, cutting and food processing 50 pounds of tomatoes (UGH!) we started two massive pots of sauces simmering at about.....12:30 A.M!  So..he were are...after 3 a.m. waiting for the processing to finish.  The good news is...we're almost done.  The bad news we'll be starting up again in the morning.  One more day of sauce making and processing.  The best news....fab starter sauces for the next year :)  The lack of sleep tonight will be well worth it in the long run.

Well..that's it for today.  Please stick with me..I promise the blog will grow as we go along :)  Keep cooking!


  1. You should consider creating some video tutorials too! Get hubby to practice some video creation and editing skills while you provide some instruction to us less kitchen worthies.
    Can't wait to see where your adventures take me! :)

  2. Great Blog! Can't wait to try your recipes!
