Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Wonderful Wedding Anniversary Tradition

Yes...I'm posting a blog two days in a row!  Can you believe it??  Well, this is kind of a "cheat".  I'm not posting a recipe.   However, I am sharing a wonderful tradition started by my wonderful husband years ago.  Today we celebrate twelve years of marriage.  My absoluely FAVORITE breakfast dish is eggs benedict.  Not just any eggs benedict..but my husband's version of this incredibly rich and decadent meal.  Now the amount of butter that goes into making the perfect Hollandaise sauce is artery clogging and heart stopping.  But is so worth the caloric intake once per year. 

Today I'm sharing with all of you a pic of what I was able to feast upon this morning.  My hubby's eggs benedict.  I love you Babe!  This one is a great big THANK YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Muhammad and Happy Anniversary!'s my absolute fave breakfast dish too...however...with as much butter that goes INTO the recipe I refrain from eating it more than twice per year. LOL. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary.
